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中国新疆 反恐前沿

2021-06-06 18:43:59cgtn5102
内容摘要: 1990年至2016年间,数千起恐怖袭击震动了中国西北部的新疆维吾尔自治区,造成大量无辜民众和数百名警察死亡。可怕的刺杀和爆炸震撼了这片曾经被称为中国古代丝绸之路上的商业中心的土地。当地社区受到的损害无法估量,同时该地区的稳定迅速恶化。当局一直在努力恢复这片土地的和平。在......




Between 1990 and 2016, thousands of terrorist attacks shook the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region in northwestern China, killing large numbers of innocent people and hundreds of police officers. Horrific stabbings and bombings rocked the land once known as a commercial hub on China's ancient Silk Road.

The damage to local communities was incalculable while stability in the region quickly deteriorated. Authorities have been trying hard to restore peace to this land.

In this exclusive CGTN exposé, we show you never-before-seen footage documenting the frightening tragedies in Xinjiang and the resilience of its people.

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