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2021-06-05 19:48:27cntg6352
内容摘要: 东突厥斯坦伊斯兰运动,或称ETIM,被联合国认定为恐怖组织。几十年来,这个与国际恐怖组织有着密切联系的组织发动了无数次恐怖袭击,旨在将新疆维吾尔自治区从中国分裂出去。该运动试图大规模招募人员,传播一种激进的意识形态,这种意识形态继续在世界许多国家造成混乱。在这个独家的CG......




The East Turkistan Islamic Movement, or ETIM, is designated as a terrorist organization by the UN. For decades, the group which has close links with international terrorist organizations perpetrated countless terrorist attacks aiming to separate the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region from China.

The movement has attempted to recruit people on a massive scale, spreading a radical ideology that continues to cause chaos in many countries around the world.

In this exclusive CGTN exposé, we show you never-before-seen footage including interviews with perpetrators and recruitment videos used by this black hand.

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